Hop Harrigan was created by Jon Blummer, and is recognized as one of the first successful aviation heroes in comic history.

On radio, the series began on ABC Blue network and first aired on August 31st 1942, before moving to the Mutual Broadcasting System from October 2nd 1946 to February 6th 1948. 

When Hop Harrigan's father, a legendary pilot, disappears on a flight to South America to see his wife, Hop finds himself orphaned. He is soon afterwards sent to be raised by his cruel neighbor, Silas Crane, who is really only interested in obtaining Hop's inheritance.

Life at the hands of Silas is tough, so at the first opportunity Hop escapes in an old biplane, which once belonged to his father. After arriving at an airport, he saves the life of a mechanic called Tank Tinker, who goes on to become his closest friend and companion. It's always handy to have a mechanic around, after all! 

Along with another pilot, Prop Wash, and rich heiress, Gail Nolan, there are many, many exciting adventures to be had.

The opening to the radio serial was:

"CX4 to Control.....CX4 to Control......This is Hop Harrigan....coming in" to the roar of a prop fighter plane. From the control tower: "Control Tower to CX4: Wind southeast. Ceiling 1200. All clear."

Playing the role of Hop was Charles Stratton, initially with Ken Lynch as Tank, who was later replaced by Jackson Beck, then King Leonardo, and then Perry White. Mitzi Gould played Gail Nolan. 

Sadly, after being purchased by DC Comics, many of the characters from All American Comics #1 were mostly forgotten about by the majority of comic book fans, so it's terrific to have discovered these adventures on radio - they're certainly worth listening to if you love a good adventure serial!


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