…world’s first commercial radio station, KDKA, began broadcasting in Pittsburgh in 1920.
Broadcast History: 1952
Tom Corbet, Space Cadet is juvenile science fiction, which had previously been seen on television and came to radio in 1952. “Kellogg’s Pep, the buildup wheat cereal” who each 30-minute episode invited you to “rocket in to the future with with TOMMMM CORRRRBETT, SPACE CADET”, sponsored this radio version. The stories and adventures of Tom, the pilot of the space ship Polaris and the Solar Guard Trainees were set in the year 2352 400 years into the future.
LR431208 - The Lone Ranger Lode
IWCFBI 530812 (069) Very Private Funeral
751217 - The Eleventh Hour
Origin of Superstition - 1935 - 09 - Whistling in the Dressi
CLK461222 - The Hunter and the Hunted [181]