
While many OTR shows are historical by their nature, the shows that we have added within this category will have content of historical educational importance.

Broadcast History: 1946 to 1950

Adventures In Research began broadcasting in 1946 and ended its run during 1950. Paul Shannon was the host of the show and it was sponsored by Westinghouse and Phillip Thomas, a Westinghouse physicist, wrote the scripts for the show. During its 15-minute time slot, the show featured inventions, inventors and technology that was new and exciting.

The show began with a question and answer format, but eventually evolved into science and technology teaching sessions that were interesting and fun to listen to. Each topic was historically and scientifically accurate and the audience enjoyed hearing about such topics as the atomic bomb.

Informative and entertaining, the show began with the lead: “Learn! Investigate! Instruct! Urging new generations to Carry forward the work of progress for humanity… Listen to the voice of science!”

The show brought about a new interest in science and the dramatized versions of the show were very entertaining to both young and old in the audience. Some of the inventions featured by the show were the automobile, machine gun, typewriters and penicillin.


American History Thru Eyes of Radio

Dramatized historical events, Sound bites and news stories

"The American Trail" is a 1953, historically correct serial-drama, which accurately chronicles American History - including the Lewis & Clarke Expedition & the exploration and settlement of the American West.

SPONSOR: The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Ladies Auxiliary

The Cavalcade of America is an anthology drama series that was sponsored by the DuPont Company. It was initially broadcast on radio from 1935 to 1953, and later on television from 1952 to 1957. Originally on CBS, then later changing to NBC, the series pioneered the use of anthology drama for company audio advertising. The Cavalcade of America documented historical events using stories of individual courage, initiative and achievement, often with feel-good dramatizations of the human spirit's triumph against all odds. This was consistent with Du Pont's overall conservative philosophy and legacy as an American company dating back to 1802. The company's motto, "Maker of better things for better living through chemistry," was read at the beginning of each program, and the dramas emphasized humanitarian progress, particularly improvements in the lives of women, often through technological innovation.

Martin Grams, Jr. is the author of the highly-acclaimed publication, "The History of the Cavalcade of America", the authorized guide to the history of the popular radio/television series. The 500 page book is available from all major bookstores, including Amazon.com and Borders.com. This book comes highly recommended. It served as an invaluable resource with determining correct titles of episodes. It features an extensive episode guide. Each episode has the names of the radio actors, which allowed, in the case of repeated shows, one production to be distinguished from another.

Broadcast History: 27 June 1948 to 13 August 1950 and 15 October 1950 to 19 November 1951

From Robert La Salle’s ventures down the Mississippi River, onward to Lewis and Clark’s fearless trips forging toward the West Coast, the Old Time Radio Show of Frontier Fighters brings you a historical account of the times.

Frontier Fighters was a western drama radio show that took its listeners backinto a time of American history when men and women with brave heartsand pioneering spirits were the first of the European settlers toventure into the unknown West.

The broadcasts of Frontier Fighters were only done in 15 minute increments, but the writers did a great job of presenting an interesting drama of a piece of American history from the 1600s tothe 1800s.

Some of the shows were about individual people who made a difference in American history – either good or bad – and some were about instances, such as the legendary happenings along the Oregon Trail.

These short vignettes of American history often whet the appetite of listeners to know more about the incident or person. They were incredibly produced, designed to dramatize the subject matter as much as possible in a 15 minute venue, which was really only 10 or 11 minutes after the music and commentaries.

The American Broadcasting Company and its affiliated stations present Mr President. Mr President at home in the white house the elected leader of our people our fellow citizens and neighbors. “These are little-known stories of the men who have lived in the White House – dramatic exciting events in their lives that you and I so rarely hear”. During the story the president is never mentioned by name and as the listener, you are challenged to guess his identity. However, unless you are going to get someone else to play it for you, you will see the name of the President in the title and we have added our own bit of information in the description in letting you know the dates the corresponding President was in the White House. This series has great historical importance.

The Origins of Superstition sometimes also known as Superstition On The Air is a series of short stories designed to show the origins of many of the more popular superstitions. Superstitions we often laugh about until something, possibly a coincidence or possibly some twist or quirk of fate sets us to wondering if after all there might be some hidden unseen hand that controls our destiny. So that you will know how your pet superstition originated, when, why and where The Origins of Superstitions have made accurate research and assure you that the incidents portrayed in the sketches are merely the dramatization of the stories uncovered by that research. They state that in every case nothing has been added or subtracted. Nor has anything been taken for granted though it has been deemed discreet to use fictitious names for the characters every other detail of the story is true. The research has taken them to many lands over a period of greatly buried dates and through these vivid playlets they have made it possible for you to accompany them.


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