Nick Carter Master Detective

Broadcast History: 11 April 1943 to 25 September 1955

Lon Clark plays the role of the brilliant detective Nick Carter for the show’s entire run. He is a tough, young and skilLful character who has his origins in the old Victorian dime novels and is somewhat more sophisticated than others of the genre. His loyal partners, Patsy and Scubby accompany him on his travels, making life difficult for the police department’s Sergeant Mathison. The most memorable element of the show is its unforgettable opening. There is knocking on the door of Carter’s office, knocking that becomes evermore frantic and Patsy (his secretary and assistant crime-solver) gets up to investigate. With a small shriek she asks, “What’s the matter, what is it?” and a male voice replies: “Another case for Nick Carter, Master Detective!”


  • 11:00AM - 4:00PM
  • 11:00AM - 4:00PM

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