Inner Sanctum Mysteries

Broadcast History: 7 January 1941 to 29 August 1943, 4 September 1943 to 17 April 1950, 4 September 1950 to 18 June 1951, and 22 June 1952 to 5 October 1952

This horror series featured probably the most famous opening in the history of radio. After the greeting, “Good Evening…..Creep,” a door squeaked slowly open and the listener was greeted by the host, a gruesome joke and then the introduction to the story for the evening. The stories were entirely fictitious, highly improbable and were a strange combination of horror and humor. After the allocated thirty-minutes, the host made another joke about the plot and then the door squeaked shut.


  • 11:00AM - 4:00PM
  • 11:00AM - 4:00PM

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