Phil Harris and Dennis Day rode the popularity of Jack Benny on their own programs on NBC. In fact, for the first two years of its run, Harris' show immediately followed Benny's.
Although often low budget many science-fiction shows were superbly written and produced. Famous writers include Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Robert Bloch, Robert A. Heinlein, Poul Anderson and Theodore Sturgeon.
Broadcast History: 15 March 1950 to 2 January 1952
Broadcast History: 8 April 1950 to 29 September 1951
These were stories written by well-known science fiction authors dramatised by very high quality actors. It was a thirty-minute adult science fiction drama series with 45 episodes being broadcast before it was later revived as X Minus One. The shows were narrated by Norman Rose, perfecting the combination between authoritative resonance and dark irony.
Broadcast History: 1955 to 1958
Dimension X was the framework for X Minus One. It was an extension of Dimension X, sometimes even broadcasting the same stories. X Minus One was a thirty-minute science fiction series totalling 113 episodes and throughout its three years of broadcasting, it always used the same opening, a rocket-launch countdown. The stories were strict science fiction striking out into deep space, exploring thousands of other worlds and galaxies and, the much more exciting, power struggles with aliens. Although the stories were not always human triumphs, sometimes the aliens won!
The Green Hornet 45-10-25 (0726) What Price Glamour
BBEN530309 - The Unwanted
YTJD 600605 693 -LQ- The Canned Canary Matter
740304 - This Will Kill You