Jack Armstrong, The All-American Boy

Jack Armstrong, The All-American Boy

Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy was a radio adventure series which maintained its popularity from 1933 to 1951. The program originated at WBBM in Chicago on July 31, 1933, and was later carried on CBS, then NBC and finally ABC.

Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy was a creation of General Mills, a pioneer in the development of unique and compelling advertising under the stewardship of Vice-president of Advertising, Samuel Chester Gale. Gale later served as President of the Ad Council. Intending to promote breakfast cereal Wheaties, Gale developed the character of Jack Armstrong as a fictitious "everyboy" whom listeners would emulate: If Jack ate Wheaties, boys across the nation would, too. Early popularity led to commissioning of a radio serial broadcast.

The first sung commercial was for Wheaties in 1926. It was a spectacular hit and was sung on the Jack Armstrong show. Lyrics were

Have you tried Wheaties?

They’re whole with all the bran. Won’t you try Wheaties?

For wheat is the best food of man.


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  • 11:00AM - 4:00PM

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