From The Superhero Academy


Here's Your Official 


Follow the instructions we've included in our top secret coded messages and this official Code-O-Graph, will translate the secret messages sent to you.

    1. Copy and paste the official coded message below.

    2. Enter the provided key value number.

    3. Click the Decode Message button.


Copy and paste the following message in the box below. 

frqjudwxodwlrqv!!! brx kdyh mxvw ghfrghg brxu iluvw vhfuhw phvvdjh. sohdvh uhphpehu wr vljqxs iru rxu hpdlo dohuwv wr jhw wkh odwhvw qhzv rq qhz surgxfwv dqg vshfldo ghdov...

s.v. grq'w irujhw wr gulqn brxu rydowlqh.

Enter KEY value number 3


Key Value: